Yu Wang is currently an Associate Professor at School of Artificial Intelligence, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). He was an Associate Professor with Cooperative Medianet Innovation Center (CMIC), SJTU. Prior to SJTU, he was a Senior Research Associate working in the Machine Intelligence Laboratory, University of Cambridge. He was working with Prof. Mark Gales, Prof. Phil Woodland and Dr. Kate Knill. He obtained his PhD study in Speech Processing in the Speech and Audio Processing Laboratory at Imperial College London, supervised by Mike Brookes. Following his graduation of PhD, he joined University of Cambridge as a Research Associate and started to work as a key member on the Automated Language Teaching and Assessment (ALTA) project (funded by Cambridge Assessment), on which we released an end-to-end deep learning-based automatic spoken language assessment platform Speak&Improve in 2019 and it is now officially suggested as the practising platform for Cambridge Linguskill international English test. Since 2019, he started to work on the Machine Translation for English Retrieval of Information in Any Language (MATERIAL) project (funded by IARPA), on which he was the technical lead for the spoken language processing contribution at CUED. His current research interests focus on Natural Language Processing, Multi-modal Dialogue System and Large Langage Model. He is an Action Editor of Neural Networks and regularly serves as an area chair or session chair in the major conferences in his research fields, including ACL Rolling Review, ICASSP, and INTERSPEECH.
We cordially invite masters and doctoral students, as well as postdoctoral researchers in the fields of computer science and electronic information, to join our research group. Our group is also keen to welcome undergraduate students with a passion for AI research. Here, we offer a vibrant and innovative learning environment where you can explore AI with outstanding peers, learning and growing together. If you are interested in joining us, please contact me.
Doctor of Philosophy, 2011 – 2015
Imperial College London, Department of EEE
Master of Science (MSc), 2009 – 2010
Imperial College London, Department of EEE
Bachelor of Engineering (BEng), 2005 – 2009
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Department of EIE